4 Residential Moving Mistakes You Should Avoid


Professional residential movers will help ease the burden of moving, giving you peace of mind. Juggling different activities like moving your kids, sorting out bills, packing, loading, and moving can be daunting. 

Also, moving can be time-consuming. The experts have adequate experience and staff members to help you move quickly, saving time. Moreover, your belongings will be safe in case of an accident as the companies have insurance to cater for damages. 

Moving heavy objects without the right gear isn't safe, as you can injure yourself. Hence, you need the help of specialists. Here are some moving mistakes you should avoid.

Not Planning

You should start planning to move at least a few weeks earlier. This precaution will allow you enough time to pack your things properly and discard the things you don't need. For example, you can start packing the belongings you don't frequently use, such as some clothes and kitchen items. You can also use one room to store the packed items to avoid congestion. Excessive clutter can restrict proper movement in your home. 

Planning will give you time to inform your landlord when you will be moving out. Hence, you can settle refunds and other issues amicably. If you own your home, you can find potential buyers and sell your property on time. Also, you can organize with professionals to help you pack if you feel it's too much work.

Insufficient Supplies

You must buy enough packing supplies, such as boxes, packing tape, a tape gun, multi-color permanent markers, packing paper, mover's stretch wrap, bubble wrap, and a mattress cover. You may not pack some things properly if you don't have enough supplies. Hence, the items can get damaged, or you may not remember where you placed them, making it hard to unpack.

Remember, buying extra rather than inadequate supplies is better if you are unsure what you need.

Not Assessing Whether Your Items Fit in Your New Home

You need to think ahead and assess whether your items, like furniture and appliances, will fit your new home. For example, your new house may have a different design that can't accommodate your furniture. 

In such a case, you may have to redesign your furniture or sell them and buy new ones. Also, if you have excessive items that can't fit in your new home, you will have to put some things outside or in the basement, exposing them to damage.

Not Paying Special Attention to Important Items

You need to pay special attention to important items, such as academic certificates, contracts, licenses, medications, and other delicate items. You should pack these belongings in special boxes and label them. You should also inform the moving professionals about them so they are put in a safe place in the moving vehicle.

For more tips, reach out to a moving service, such as Antelope Valley Van & Storage, near you.


10 November 2022

Moving with an Elderly Relative

Are you the caretaker of an elderly relative? Perhaps, due to a new job, you’re planning to move to a different state. If you can relate to this exciting situation, you might be anxious about moving with an elderly loved one. To help you accomplish this task, consider hiring an experienced moving company to do all of the hard work for you. While you lovingly care for your senior relative, the experts at a moving business can neatly and efficiently pack things such as clothing, dishes, and books. After your goods are packed, the movers can load them on a van before driving them safely to your new home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous benefits of working with a professional moving company during a move with an elderly loved one. Enjoy!